Run for your life

I think I'm addicted to running. When I don't run for awhile, I get cranky. We don't want cranky, do we?

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Scheduled: 3 Miles - Actual: There is always tomorrow

Let's see. Managed to get on the wrong bus on the way home. Got home much later than expected. Still sore from last night.

I'd much rather stretch and I think I will do so before bed and try to run tomorrow, but I'm not sure if maybe I shouldn't run tomorrow. I do need to taper for the race, but I'm not even sure if I'm actually going to put it all out there or try to save my psyche for the 8K at the end of the month.

Decisions, decisions.

Monday, October 09, 2006

Scheduled: Stretch - Actual: I Have a Good Excuse!

So, I did not stretch today because it's just way too busy of a day with Spanish and capoeira and work. BUT, I did stretch yesterday evening and got through all of Zone 1! I now have to manage to do Zone 1, 2, and 5, but getting through just the first one took me over an hour! I am tempted to stretch tonight because capoeira kicked my ass last night. I have never felt so tired in quite that way.

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Scheduled: 3 Miles - Completed: 3 Miles

I did it again. Hooray for me! 3 miles is even starting to seem pretty short which is always a good feeling.

Race next week, argh! Not sure if I should run with Ricky or not during the race. He hasn't been running much, but he is faster than me, so it's possible that he'll be way ahead of me, but it's also possible that he might peter out before the end and, so, who knows. I would like to run it in less than 30 minutes; we'll see if that's still doable.

Saturday, October 07, 2006

Scheduled: 6 Miles - Completed: 6 Miles

Six miles! I was really afraid that today would turn out very ugly, but even though it was a tad warm when there was no breeze and no shade, I made it! It's about an hour later and I am still feeling a little exhausted. After a sorta difficult run, I usually spend the rest of the day feeling something between exhaustion and elation. After a super difficult run, I usually spend the day in bed.

I did start to a painful chaffing feeling and I think it's these off brand shorts I wore today for the first time. Ouch.

I made a bet a while back and now I need to wash the bf's car, so out to the far off burbs I go for bf time.

Friday, October 06, 2006

Scheduled: Rest - Completed: A little capoeira practice

I really wanted to get out this morning and get on the elliptical or lift some weights, but mornings are just not my friend. First, I need to go to bed at a respectable hour.

When I came home this evening, I decided I needed to practice some of what we did in intro capoeira on Monday. Especially, that damn esquiva! I swear, I tried and tried and could not get it. It just doesn't feel doable, but I will keep trying.

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Scheduled: Elliptical - Completed: Not Much

I did have my running group in the evening though. We did 5 minutes of walking and 6 minutes of running (repeated twice). The museum campus looks gorgeous at night! Afterwards, many of us went to eat. I had one beer.

Went to the doctor in the morning. Found out my weight. Ugh. Where did those 17 pounds come from? (As if I don't know.)

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Scheduled: Strength - Completed: 3 Miles

Really nice freaking weather for a run: upper 50s, wind at my back. I wore my longer shorts and a long-sleeved shirt. It was interesting seeing all the downed trees from the storm. Legs (quads, argh) were a little achy from capoeira, but it's done.

I was going to stretch tonight, but currently on the phone with the bf; so, not looking good since I really need to get to work early to lessen the psychological impact of my being gone for a docs appointment.